The Science of AMD

The Science of AMD focuses on increasing international public and patient awareness of wet AMD, the role of angiogenesis (new blood vessel growth) in vision loss, and the importance of antiangiogenic treatments for saving vision and keeping a good quality of life for individuals affected by wet AMD worldwide.


The Angiogenesis Foundation built this resource to provide accurate, easy to understand, and useful information about the evidence supporting antiangiogenic therapy for wet AMD. We believe everyone affected by wet AMD can be empowered with knowledge of treatments for wet AMD, and the practical steps they can take to protect their vision:


  • Why early detection of AMD is vital
  • Wet AMD’s impact on quality of life
  • How wet AMD develops via angiogenesis
  • Impact of antiangiogenic therapy to prevent vision loss
  • Specific antiangiogenic treatments and their benefits,
    side effects, and data supporting their use in wet AMD
  • Summary of major clinical trials for wet AMD treatments
  • References
  • Links to other useful resources on wet AMD

The Angiogenesis Foundation

The Angiogenesis Foundation is the world’s first nonprofit organization dedicated to conquering disease using a groundbreaking approach based on angiogenesis, the growth of new capillary blood vessels in the body. Angiogenesis is the “common denominator” in society’s most feared diseases, including wet AMD.


The Foundation is the recognized authority, championing new developments in antiangiogenic medicine. We share this expertise to endow the public with important knowledge about their health. Understanding the science behind wet AMD and its treatment guides patients, their advocates, and ophthalmologists to understand the consequences of complacency and evidence-based need for proactive care and regularized treatments.


Based in Cambridge, Massachusetts and founded in 1994, The Angiogenesis Foundation’s goal is to help people lead healthier, longer lives by restoring balance to blood vessel growth. Through research, education, and advocacy—with patients, physicians, researchers, industry, payers, and government—we enable patients to gain access to safe and effective treatments for cancer, blinding disorders, wounds, and many other serious diseases.


As a scientific organization, The Angiogenesis Foundation is independent of any individual, institution, or commercial entity. We are committed to helping people around the world benefit from the full promise of angiogenesis-based medicine, and to make life-, limb-, and vision-saving treatments available to everyone in need

Our Vision

We believe that wet AMD as a cause of blindness will become a problem of the past. New treatments for wet AMD can prevent vision loss and save eyesight.

Take Action

Science of AMD is here to inspire the public to take the steps necessary to prevent vision loss:


  • LEARN about wet AMD.
  • FIND the right kind of doctor to discover if you have wet AMD: a Retinal Specialist.
  • GET the right treatment for wet AMD: antiangiogenic therapy.
  • KEEP UP with the treatment – saving your vision requires lifelong treatment as with any chronic disease.
  • SPREAD the word about wet AMD to your friends, family, and colleagues!