AMDは痛みを伴わず、発生は片目のみの場合と両目の場合があり、進行のスピードも様々です。 AMDが緩やかに進行する場合、初期の段階では脳が歪みを修正するため、症状に気付きにくい場合があります。一方、急速に進行する場合にはすぐに失明へと至る可能性もあります。進行のスピードに関わらず、AMDを治療せずに放置すると、失明の原因となる進行期のAMDに移行する可能性があります。 AMDには委縮性と滲出性の2タイプがあります。
Early AMD
Early and intermediate AMD are the most common forms of AMD, accounting for approximately 90% of all cases. Early AMD and intermediate AMD are both considered “dry” forms of the disease. Early AMD is generally very mild and asymptomatic. Eye care professionals characterize early AMD by the presence, size and amount of drusen found in the eye.
Drusen are yellow deposits in the back of the eye that can build up and affect vision. People in their 30s and 40s can have drusen, but the presence of drusen alone does not indicate early AMD. You must be over the age of 50 for an eye care professional to diagnose you with early AMD.
Intermediate AMD
Intermediate AMD is more advanced than the early form of AMD and it is characterized by larger drusen, many drusen, or pigmentary changes in the macula.
Many people with intermediate AMD have no symptoms at all. One of the first things you may notice is a problem adjusting from light to dark environments. For example, you may notice you have trouble reading a menu when you go into a dimly lit restaurant, or you may notice problems when you are driving and enter a dark tunnel. This is called “prolonged photo stress recovery” or “delayed dark adaptation.” You may also experience difficulty reading and sensitivity to bright light. These symptoms are not normal signs of aging and you should talk to your doctor about any changes in vision right away. There are currently no treatments for the early and intermediate forms of AMD. You are only eligible for treatment if your AMD progresses to the advanced, “wet” form of AMD (also called exudative or neovascular AMD).
Daily monitoring of intermediate AMD is important to detect the visual changes that may occur when advanced AMD develops. You can track the progression of intermediate AMD at home by using an Amsler Grid (available for download here). You can track changes in your vision by noting whether the straight lines become wavy or distorted by looking at this grid daily. If you notice changes in the lines, talk to your doctor right away. There are also new at home-monitoring devices that facilitate the early detection of macular changes in intermediate AMD. ForeseeHome is a non-invasive monitoring device that can be used at home daily (learn more click here). If you have intermediate AMD, talk to your doctor about the AREDS or AREDS2 vitamin formulas.
These vitamin formulas are a combination of antioxidants and zinc, and have been shown to effectively reduce the risk of the progression of intermediate AMD to the more advanced forms. AREDS vitamins were shown to reduce the relative risk of advanced AMD by 25 percent in studies of those with intermediate AMD. This large-scale study was conducted by the National Eye Institute (a part of the National Institutes of Health). The AREDS or AREDS2 vitamin formulas are available over-the-counter at the pharmacy or for purchase online.
Advanced AMD (Also Known as Exudative, Neovascular or Wet AMD)
Once AMD progresses from an early or intermediate case it is considered advanced AMD. Advanced AMD is split into two categories: atrophic AMD (also known as geographic atrophy) and exudative AMD (also known as neovascular or commonly ‘wet’ AMD). Exudative AMD or geographic atrophy can result in significant loss of visual function over time. Exudative AMD often causes scarring of the macula and retina, producing rapid and permanent loss of central vision in as little as three months if not treated promptly.
People living with advanced AMD can have many visual problems that profoundly affect their quality of life. Daily activities like dialing the telephone, reading, driving, preparing food, and doing laundry can be very difficult or impossible due to vision loss. It can also be difficult to read and recognize faces. Talk to your doctor about how AMD is impacting your life and whether they can refer you to support services in your community that can help.
Exudative AMD is the most serious and severe form of AMD. All people who develop exudative AMD once had intermediate AMD, but only 10 to 15% of people with intermediate AMD will progress to the exudative form. Exudative AMD is characterized by the growth and leaking of abnormal blood vessels under the macula. Exudative AMD can rapidly damage the macula and quickly cause a loss of central vision. Routine eye examinations are very important for patients at a higher risk of developing exudative AMD.
In exudative AMD, blood vessels grow abnormally beneath the macula, through a process called angiogenesis. These abnormal vessels leak fluid and blood, which may cause a blister-like pocket to form beneath the macula. These blisters distort vision in the affected eye, making straight lines appear wavy. The patient may see a dark spot or spots in the center of their vision due to blood or fluid collecting under the macula. You can monitor changes in vision at home using the Amsler Grid (downloadable here) and other at-home monitoring tools.
If exudative AMD is left untreated, bleeding in the eye can cause scar tissue to form, leading to irreversible vision loss. The good news is that there are several effective treatment options, known as anti-VEGF therapies, for exudative AMD. Anti-VEGF treatments can stabilize or, in some cases, reverse vision loss if used before scar tissue forms.
Anti-VEGF treatments are administered as injections in the eye by a trained retina specialist. These injections can be slightly uncomfortable, but you can talk with your doctor about minimizing discomfort during the procedure. Most people notice that injections help them maintain the vision they have, and in some cases, the vision can even improve. If the first anti-VEGF treatment you try isn’t working, you still have options. Talk to your doctor about trying another anti-VEGF therapy that could be better for you.
A diagnosis of wet AMD meant certain vision loss before anti-VEGF treatments became available in 2006. Now people are able to prevent vision loss, especially when treated early.
Once you are receiving anti-VEGF treatment, it’s important to stay on the treatment schedule recommended by your doctor.
Eye care professionals once thought intermediate AMD (dry) went away once it progressed to exudative AMD (wet), but the advent of anti-VEGF treatments have shown that dry AMD remains even after someone is diagnosed with exudative AMD. This may explain why AMD cannot be completely reversed even with effective anti-VEGF treatments.
Atrophic AMD or Geographic Atrophy
Atrophic AMD or geographic atrophy (GA) is the most advanced form of dry AMD. GA is a leading cause of visual impairment among elderly people. GA affects 5 million people worldwide, including 22% of people over 90 years old. While there are no approved treatments currently available, recent advances in our understanding of AMD mechanisms and risk factors provide a host of potential targets for drug development. GA progression causes a gradual loss of visual function in patients. Symptoms include the presence of scotomas (large dark or blind spots in the visual field), difficulty recognizing faces, decreased reading speed, problems adjusting to dark rooms, impaired contrast sensitivity, and difficulty driving at night.
There was no treatment available for people diagnosed with AMD up until 2006.
Today, neovascular AMD (also known as exudative or wet AMD) is treatable with groundbreaking medicines called anti-VEGF therapies. These include ranibizumab (Lucentis®) and aflibercept (Eyelea®). A third treatment called bevacizumab (Avastin®) can also be used to treat AMD but is considered an “off-label” approach, meaning the FDA has approved the drug for a different use than what the doctor is prescribing it.
These anti-VEGF treatments work by blocking molecules that cause abnormal blood vessel growth in the eye and drive the progression of wet AMD. Anti-VEGF treatments have dramatically changed wet AMD patient outcomes by helping to prevent and even reverse vision loss in some cases.
It’s important to stay on a regular treatment schedule and not miss appointments while receiving anti-VEGF treatment. Missing even just one or two injections can lead to vision loss.
Ang-2 Webinar
The Angiogenesis Foundation has published a new Webinar Series on Vascular Stabilization in Retina Health and Disease to provide the vision community and clinicians treating retinal vascular eye diseases with an up to date overview of the Angiopoietin-Tie Pathway, and how this pathway is involved in retinal health and disease.
Webinar speakers include: Max Gomez, PhD, Charles Wykoff MD, PhD, David Eichenbaum, MD, and Ramin Tadayoni, MD, PhD. Watch now:
- “増殖因子”とよばれる特殊なタンパク質の刺激により、新しく血管が作られる。
- 血管内皮組織増殖因子(VEGF)と呼ばれるタンパク質が、滲出性AMD患者の眼底下部に高濃度で発見されている。
- 過剰なVEGFが、黄斑下部にある正常な毛細血管から新たな血管を発芽させる。
- 過剰なVEGFにより新たに発芽した血管は漏れを起こすなど非常に脆弱で、浮腫や出血につながる。
- 新たな血管が輪を形成する
- 周皮細胞”と呼ばれる特殊な細胞が新しい血管を安定させる為に血管の周囲に巻きつく。
- “血管内皮前駆細胞”と呼ばれる細胞も新しい血管に集まる。血管内皮前駆細胞は通常骨髄にみられる幹細胞だが、血管新生にも反応して集まる。
- 加齢が一番の危険因子です。特に60歳以上の方はAMD発生のリスクが最も高く、注意が必要です。
- 近親者にAMDと診断された方がいらっしゃる場合にはAMD発生のリスクが高まります。
- すでに片目にAMDを患っている場合、もう片方の目にも発生するリスクが高まります。
- 喫煙者は非喫煙者と比べ、AMD発生のリスクが2倍から3倍高くなります。喫煙すればするほどリスクは高くなりますが、禁煙によってAMD発生のリスクを減らす事ができます。
- AMDは男性と比べ、女性に多く発生します。
- 肥満は初中期のAMDから進行期へ移行するリスクを高めます。
- コントロール不良の高血圧症はAMD発生のリスクを高めます。
- 喫煙しない
- 正常な体重を維持する
- 血圧をコントロールする
- 緑黄色野菜やフルーツが豊富な食生活はAMDのリスクを低下させます。日常的に魚を食べ、脂肪分を避ける事もリスク低下に有効です。これらの食品は抗酸化物質や異常な血管新生を自然に防ぐ成分を豊富に含んでいます。
- 運動の習慣もリスクを低下させる可能性があります。
- 視界の中心にぼやけや暗点が発生する
- 人の顔などがぼやけて見える
- 色の区別が困難になる
- コントラスト感度が悪くなる
- 暗順応に時間がかかる
- 奥行きの知覚が鈍くなる
- まぶしい光に対して敏感になる
- 夜の方が昼間より見えやすい
- 針に糸を通すなど、細かい作業が困難になる
これらの症状は一貫しておらず日によって変動します。 時々、片目のみに視力低下が起こり、もう片方の目は健康なまま長い期間が経過する場合あります。この場合、健康な方の目が機能低下を起こしている目をかばい、両目に影響が出るまで症状に気付かない可能性があります。そのため、定期的な眼科検診を受ける事が大切です。 AMDの進行の速さや症状の発現には個人差があります。中心視野の急激な劣化を経験する患者もいれば、ゆるやかな視力低下を経験する患者もいます。ほとんどの場合、周辺視野への影響はありません。 AMD患者は、読書を楽しむ、電話を掛ける、料理をするなどといった日常的な行為を困難に感じる様になります。滲出性AMDは生活の質の低下、社会的な孤立や臨床的鬱病の発生、つまずき事故等による怪我のリスクを高め、介護施設への早期の入所などにつながります。 滲出性AMDは治療できる疾患である事を認識する事が大切です。AMDの症状や兆候に気が付いたら、ただちに効果的な治療を求めましょう。
- 老眼鏡を普段から使用している場合には、老眼鏡をかけましょう。遠近両用メガネをかけている場合には、下の部分を使用しましょう。
- アムスラーグリッドを目と同じ高さで壁に固定し、見えすい距離に立ちます。
- 片目を隠し、アムスラーグリッドの真ん中の点を見ます。
- 初めて検査を行う際、グレーに見える部分や、ぼやけている部分、見えない部分、ゆがんで見える部分に印をつけます。
- 毎朝グリッドを見るようにします。新しくゆがんで見える箇所が出来たりした場合には、ただちに網膜専門医に連絡し、診察してもらいましょう。新たな血管新生による出血や瘢痕組織の形成、不可逆的な視力低下のリスクを避けるためには早急な診察が必要です。
At-Home Monitoring
For over 50 years, the Amsler Grid has been used for the at-home monitoring of intermediate AMD, yet new technologies are available that remove the need for people to objectively determine whether they have suffered vision loss. There is an FDA-cleared at-home monitoring device called the ForeseeHome AMD Monitoring Program. This device tracks the progression of intermediate AMD, can detect the earliest changes of progression to advanced AMD, and sends the results to the Notal Vision Diagnostic Clinic (NVDC), an independent diagnostic testing facility. If an alert occurs, the NVDC will notify your doctor immediately. Your doctor can then determine if you have progressed from intermediate to advanced AMD and are eligible to receive treatment. This device may be covered by your insurance. Talk to your doctor and learn more by visiting this link: There is also an app called myVisionTrack that can be downloaded on your phone and used to track the progression of AMD. This app is FDA cleared and requires a prescription from your eyecare provider to activate. To learn more visit: What Does My Doctor See? Initially, your retina specialist will look at the retina in the back of your eye with an instrument called an ophthalmoscope to see if any abnormalities are present in the macula. If any damage is seen, additional tests are performed using highly specialized equipment to photograph the retina. These photographic techniques can reveal whether there is any fluid leaking under the retina and if there are changes in the amount of accumulated fluid. When a patient is being treated for exudative AMD, these photographic tests can measure the amount of fluid to determine if the treatment is working and when retreatment is needed. Some additional testing might include:
- Fluorescein Angiography: In this procedure, a colored dye is injected into the patient’s arm. When the dye reaches the eye, a special camera is used to photograph the blood vessels in the retina. The photographs will reveal any changes in the retina. For patients with exudative AMD, the location and amount of any abnormal fluid in the eye can be determined. Fluorescein Angiography can help establish the diagnosis and guide the doctor in determining which treatments are required. Generally, this test is done at diagnosis but may be repeated periodically to monitor progression of the disease.
- Fundus Camera and Autofluorescence (AF): The fundus camera is a low-powered microscope with an attached camera. Special filters attached to the fundus camera can detect naturally occurring fluorescence (Autofluorescence, AF) in the eye to reveal damaged retinal pigment epithelium cells (RPE). AF is noninvasive and does not require any dye injections.
- Ocular Coherence Tomography (OCT): OCT uses light to scan the retina, allowing the doctor to visualize the different layers of the retina and ocular tissues. OCT only takes a few minutes to perform. It is noninvasive and no instruments touch the eye. No injections or exposure to intense light is necessary. The OCT is used to monitor the structure of the eye, to evaluate how well different therapies are working.
- 世界中には3000万人異常の患者がおり、うち15%程度は滲出性AMDを患っている
- 男性と比べ、女性に起こりやすい
- →60歳以上の高齢者において、AMDの有病率はアルツハイマー病の約2 倍である
- 近親者がAMDの患者である場合、AMDを発症するリスクが高くなる。
- 中年の成人はAMDを発症するリスクが約2%であるが、75歳以上の場合は30%程度と高くなる。
- 現在、眼疾患による失明の8.7%はAMDによると言われており、その比率はサハラ以南のアフリカでは0%と低い一方、先進国では50%と高い。
- 2010年度のAMDによる視力低下のコストは世界全体で3430億ドルと推定され、うち2250億ドルは医療費そのものの金額とされる。
- この金額は2020年までに3920億ドルに達すると予想されている。